Thank you 2015 for all the memories

As 2015 comes to a close I find myself pondering on the year past and the one ahead. It has is one of the great joys of a departing year.

For me in looking back on 2015 brings a smile to my face. In the year I have moved into my own apartment, opened a new business, started my blogging career, launched my own website, made huge gains on my book, spents thousands of hours with my son, had wonderful time with family, enjoyed some amazing overseas holidays, spent time with my Balinese girlfriend after 3 years apart and shared memorable moments with friends and continued my lifelong charitable acts.

Looked upon in this way I must say I feel a great deal of satisfaction about my year past. I feel a strong desire to be thankful for being able to enjoy such a awesome year.

Ahead in 2016 I have many awesome events to look forward to. Just some of them are the release of my book, growing my new business, marrying my beautiful girlfriend, commencing my speaking and motivational training career, holidaying with my son, celebrating his 30th birthday, increasing my charitable acts, buy a home, loose some weight, enjoy my friends and family even more. All of these have been set out as my goals for the incredible year ahead.

So how can I not go into 2016 excited and motivated ?Ā Just the opportunity to be free to make these plans and to have the opportunity to bring them to fruition is magical for me.

For those that do not indulge in these wonderful moments of reflection and planning, a liitle thanks for your year past and some goal setting for the year ahead, might change your life in ways you never dreamed of. Thank the Lord, the Universe or yourself but give a little thanks. It is amazing how when you give thanks your are reminded of the joy of living and feel so glad to be alive. Look ahead to decide what you would like to achieve and how you will go about achieving it. Try it the results just might amaze you.

As 2015 heads into the sunset I wish you all an amazing and magical 2016.

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